

1. 字符串有整型的相互转换

string a = string.valueof(2);   //integer to numeric string   int i = integer.parseint(a); //numeric string to an int

2. 向文件末尾添加内容

bufferedwriter out = null;   try {       out = new bufferedwriter(new filewriter(”filename”, true));       out.write(”astring”);   } catch (ioexception e) {       // error processing code   } finally {       if (out != null) {           out.close();       }   }

3. 得到当前方法的名字

string methodname = thread.currentthread().getstacktrace()[1].getmethodname();

4. 转字符串到日期

java.util.date = java.text.dateformat.getdateinstance().parse(date string);


simpledateformat format = new simpledateformat( "dd.mm.yyyy" );   date date = format.parse( mystring );

5. 使用jdbc链接oracle

public class oraclejdbctest   {       string driverclass = "oracle.jdbc.driver.oracledriver";        connection con;        public void init(fileinputstream fs) throws classnotfoundexception, sqlexception, filenotfoundexception, ioexception       {           properties props = new properties();           props.load(fs);           string url = props.getproperty("db.url");           string username = props.getproperty("db.user");           string password = props.getproperty("db.password");           class.forname(driverclass);            con=drivermanager.getconnection(url, username, password);       }        public void fetch() throws sqlexception, ioexception       {           preparedstatement ps = con.preparestatement("select sysdate from dual");           resultset rs = ps.executequery();            while (rs.next())           {               // do the thing you do           }           rs.close();           ps.close();       }        public static void main(string[] args)       {           oraclejdbctest test = new oraclejdbctest();           test.init();           test.fetch();       }   }

6. 把 java util.date 转成 sql.date

java.util.date utildate = new java.util.date();   java.sql.date sqldate = new java.sql.date(utildate.gettime());

7. 使用nio进行快速的文件拷贝

public static void filecopy( file in, file out )               throws ioexception       {           filechannel inchannel = new fileinputstream( in ).getchannel();           filechannel outchannel = new fileoutputstream( out ).getchannel();           try          {   //          inchannel.transferto(0, inchannel.size(), outchannel);      // original -- apparently has trouble copying large files on windows                // magic number for windows, 64mb - 32kb)               int maxcount = (64 * 1024 * 1024) - (32 * 1024);               long size = inchannel.size();               long position = 0;               while ( position < size )               {                  position  = inchannel.transferto( position, maxcount, outchannel );               }           }           finally          {               if ( inchannel != null )               {                  inchannel.close();               }               if ( outchannel != null )               {                   outchannel.close();               }           }       }

8. 创建图片的缩略图

private void createthumbnail(string filename, int thumbwidth, int thumbheight, int quality, string outfilename)           throws interruptedexception, filenotfoundexception, ioexception       {           // load image from filename           image image = toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getimage(filename);           mediatracker mediatracker = new mediatracker(new container());           mediatracker.addimage(image, 0);           mediatracker.waitforid(0);           // use this to test for errors at this point: system.out.println(mediatracker.iserrorany());            // determine thumbnail size from width and height           double thumbratio = (double)thumbwidth / (double)thumbheight;           int imagewidth = image.getwidth(null);           int imageheight = image.getheight(null);           double imageratio = (double)imagewidth / (double)imageheight;           if (thumbratio < imageratio) {               thumbheight = (int)(thumbwidth / imageratio);           } else {               thumbwidth = (int)(thumbheight * imageratio);           }            // draw original image to thumbnail image object and           // scale it to the new size on-the-fly           bufferedimage thumbimage = new bufferedimage(thumbwidth, thumbheight, bufferedimage.type_int_rgb);           graphics2d graphics2d = thumbimage.creategraphics();           graphics2d.setrenderinghint(renderinghints.key_interpolation, renderinghints.value_interpolation_bilinear);           graphics2d.drawimage(image, 0, 0, thumbwidth, thumbheight, null);            // save thumbnail image to outfilename           bufferedoutputstream out = new bufferedoutputstream(new fileoutputstream(outfilename));           jpegimageencoder encoder = jpegcodec.createjpegencoder(out);           jpegencodeparam param = encoder.getdefaultjpegencodeparam(thumbimage);           quality = math.max(0, math.min(quality, 100));           param.setquality((float)quality / 100.0f, false);           encoder.setjpegencodeparam(param);           encoder.encode(thumbimage);           out.close();       }

9. 创建 json 格式的数据

请先阅读这篇文章 了解一些细节,

并下面这个jar 文件:json-rpc-1.0.jar (75 kb)

import org.json.jsonobject;   ...   ...   jsonobject json = new jsonobject();   json.put("city", "mumbai");   json.put("country", "india");   ...   string output = json.tostring();   ...

10. 使用itext jar生成pdf

阅读这篇文章 了解更多细节

import java.io.file;   import java.io.fileoutputstream;   import java.io.outputstream;   import java.util.date;    import com.lowagie.text.document;   import com.lowagie.text.paragraph;   import com.lowagie.text.pdf.pdfwriter;    public class generatepdf {        public static void main(string[] args) {           try {               outputstream file = new fileoutputstream(new file("c:\\test.pdf"));                document document = new document();               pdfwriter.getinstance(document, file);               document.open();               document.add(new paragraph("hello kiran"));               document.add(new paragraph(new date().tostring()));                document.close();               file.close();            } catch (exception e) {                e.printstacktrace();           }       }   }

11. http 代理设置

阅读这篇 文章 了解更多细节。

system.getproperties().put("http.proxyhost", "someproxyurl");   system.getproperties().put("http.proxyport", "someproxyport");   system.getproperties().put("http.proxyuser", "someusername");   system.getproperties().put("http.proxypassword", "somepassword");

12. 单实例singleton 示例

请先阅读这篇文章 了解更多信息

public class simplesingleton {       private static simplesingleton singleinstance =  new simplesingleton();        //marking default constructor private       //to avoid direct instantiation.       private simplesingleton() {       }        //get instance for class simplesingleton       public static simplesingleton getinstance() {            return singleinstance;       }   }


public enum simplesingleton {       instance;       public void dosomething() {       }   }    //call the method from singleton:   simplesingleton.instance.dosomething();

13. 抓屏程序

阅读这篇文章 获得更多信息。

import java.awt.dimension;   import java.awt.rectangle;   import java.awt.robot;   import java.awt.toolkit;   import java.awt.image.bufferedimage;   import javax.imageio.imageio;   import java.io.file;    ...    public void capturescreen(string filename) throws exception {       dimension screensize = toolkit.getdefaulttoolkit().getscreensize();      rectangle screenrectangle = new rectangle(screensize);      robot robot = new robot();      bufferedimage image = robot.createscreencapture(screenrectangle);      imageio.write(image, "png", new file(filename));    }   ...

14. 列出文件和目录

file dir = new file("directoryname");     string[] children = dir.list();     if (children == null) {         // either dir does not exist or is not a directory     } else {         for (int i=0; i < children.length; i  ) {             // get filename of file or directory             string filename = children[i];         }     }      // it is also possible to filter the list of returned files.     // this example does not return any files that start with `.'.     filenamefilter filter = new filenamefilter() {         public boolean accept(file dir, string name) {             return !name.startswith(".");         }     };     children = dir.list(filter);      // the list of files can also be retrieved as file objects     file[] files = dir.listfiles();      // this filter only returns directories     filefilter filefilter = new filefilter() {         public boolean accept(file file) {             return file.isdirectory();         }     };     files = dir.listfiles(filefilter);

15. 创建zip和jar文件

import java.util.zip.*;   import java.io.*;    public class zipit {       public static void main(string args[]) throws ioexception {           if (args.length < 2) {               system.err.println("usage: java zipit zip.zip file1 file2 file3");               system.exit(-1);           }           file zipfile = new file(args[0]);           if (zipfile.exists()) {               system.err.println("zip file already exists, please try another");               system.exit(-2);           }           fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream(zipfile);           zipoutputstream zos = new zipoutputstream(fos);           int bytesread;           byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];           crc32 crc = new crc32();           for (int i=1, n=args.length; i < n; i  ) {               string name = args[i];               file file = new file(name);               if (!file.exists()) {                   system.err.println("skipping: "   name);                   continue;               }               bufferedinputstream bis = new bufferedinputstream(                   new fileinputstream(file));               crc.reset();               while ((bytesread = bis.read(buffer)) != -1) {                   crc.update(buffer, 0, bytesread);               }               bis.close();               // reset to beginning of input stream               bis = new bufferedinputstream(                   new fileinputstream(file));               zipentry entry = new zipentry(name);               entry.setmethod(zipentry.stored);               entry.setcompressedsize(file.length());               entry.setsize(file.length());               entry.setcrc(crc.getvalue());               zos.putnextentry(entry);               while ((bytesread = bis.read(buffer)) != -1) {                   zos.write(buffer, 0, bytesread);               }               bis.close();           }           zos.close();       }   }

16. 解析/读取xml 文件


                  john          b          12                      mary          a          11                      simon          a          18        


package net.viralpatel.java.xmlparser;    import java.io.file;   import javax.xml.parsers.documentbuilder;   import javax.xml.parsers.documentbuilderfactory;    import org.w3c.dom.document;   import org.w3c.dom.element;   import org.w3c.dom.node;   import org.w3c.dom.nodelist;    public class xmlparser {        public void getallusernames(string filename) {           try {               documentbuilderfactory dbf = documentbuilderfactory.newinstance();               documentbuilder db = dbf.newdocumentbuilder();               file file = new file(filename);               if (file.exists()) {                   document doc = db.parse(file);                   element docele = doc.getdocumentelement();                    // print root element of the document                   system.out.println("root element of the document: "                            docele.getnodename());                    nodelist studentlist = docele.getelementsbytagname("student");                    // print total student elements in document                   system.out                           .println("total students: "   studentlist.getlength());                    if (studentlist != null && studentlist.getlength() > 0) {                       for (int i = 0; i < studentlist.getlength(); i  ) {                            node node = studentlist.item(i);                            if (node.getnodetype() == node.element_node) {                                system.out                                       .println("=====================");                                element e = (element) node;                               nodelist nodelist = e.getelementsbytagname("name");                               system.out.println("name: "                                        nodelist.item(0).getchildnodes().item(0)                                               .getnodevalue());                                nodelist = e.getelementsbytagname("grade");                               system.out.println("grade: "                                        nodelist.item(0).getchildnodes().item(0)                                               .getnodevalue());                                nodelist = e.getelementsbytagname("age");                               system.out.println("age: "                                        nodelist.item(0).getchildnodes().item(0)                                               .getnodevalue());                           }                       }                   } else {                       system.exit(1);                   }               }           } catch (exception e) {               system.out.println(e);           }       }       public static void main(string[] args) {            xmlparser parser = new xmlparser();           parser.getallusernames("c:\\test.xml");       }   }

17. 把 array 转换成 map 

import java.util.map;   import org.apache.commons.lang.arrayutils;    public class main {      public static void main(string[] args) {       string[][] countries = { { "united states", "new york" }, { "united kingdom", "london" },           { "netherland", "amsterdam" }, { "japan", "tokyo" }, { "france", "paris" } };        map countrycapitals = arrayutils.tomap(countries);        system.out.println("capital of japan is "   countrycapitals.get("japan"));       system.out.println("capital of france is "   countrycapitals.get("france"));     }   }

18. 发送邮件

import javax.mail.*;   import javax.mail.internet.*;   import java.util.*;    public void postmail( string recipients[ ], string subject, string message , string from) throws messagingexception   {       boolean debug = false;         //set the host smtp address        properties props = new properties();        props.put("mail.smtp.host", "smtp.example.com");        // create some properties and get the default session       session session = session.getdefaultinstance(props, null);       session.setdebug(debug);        // create a message       message msg = new mimemessage(session);        // set the from and to address       internetaddress addressfrom = new internetaddress(from);       msg.setfrom(addressfrom);        internetaddress[] addressto = new internetaddress[recipients.length];       for (int i = 0; i < recipients.length; i  )       {           addressto[i] = new internetaddress(recipients[i]);       }       msg.setrecipients(message.recipienttype.to, addressto);        // optional : you can also set your custom headers in the email if you want       msg.addheader("myheadername", "myheadervalue");        // setting the subject and content type       msg.setsubject(subject);       msg.setcontent(message, "text/plain");       transport.send(msg);   }

19. 发送代数据的http 请求

import java.io.bufferedreader;   import java.io.inputstreamreader;   import java.net.url;    public class main {       public static void main(string[] args)  {           try {               url my_url = new ;               bufferedreader br = new bufferedreader(new inputstreamreader(my_url.openstream()));               string strtemp = "";               while(null != (strtemp = br.readline())){               system.out.println(strtemp);           }           } catch (exception ex) {               ex.printstacktrace();           }       }   }

20. 改变数组的大小

/**  * reallocates an array with a new size, and copies the contents  * of the old array to the new array.  * @param oldarray  the old array, to be reallocated.  * @param newsize   the new array size.  * @return          a new array with the same contents.  */  private static object resizearray (object oldarray, int newsize) {      int oldsize = java.lang.reflect.array.getlength(oldarray);      class elementtype = oldarray.getclass().getcomponenttype();      object newarray = java.lang.reflect.array.newinstance(            elementtype,newsize);      int preservelength = math.min(oldsize,newsize);      if (preservelength > 0)         system.arraycopy (oldarray,0,newarray,0,preservelength);      return newarray;   }    // test routine for resizearray().   public static void main (string[] args) {      int[] a = {1,2,3};      a = (int[])resizearray(a,5);      a[3] = 4;      a[4] = 5;      for (int i=0; i                     			      			        

